
Quickly Translate Your Apps on IBM Bluemix with Globalization Pipeline

I am thrilled to inform you that IBM Globalization Pipeline for Bluemix is now generally available on IBM Bluemix.

Using the IBM Globalization Pipeline service on Bluemix you can quickly translate your applications running on Bluemix into other languages while continuing to work within your DevOps/Continous Delivery infrastructure. The cool thing about using the Globalization Pipeline service is that you get to leverage the power of machine translation for rapid turnaround combined with the ability to make custom edits. Using the service is a snap especially when you utilize the service’s open source SDKs. In some cases, for example, the Globalization Pipeline SDK for Java, you don’t even need to make any changes to your source code to connect your application to the Globalization Pipeline service — simply recompile your app and deploy it on Bluemix and you’re ready to go.

Once your application is connected to IBM Globalization Pipeline, any translations that you request or edits to translations that you make, will be immediately available to your application. This means that you don’t need to recompile, repackage, redeploy, or even restart your application to see your translations. To learn more about the Globalization Pipeline service and see it in action checkout these videos.


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